Ponds FB/IG AR Filter

November 23, 2022






October 30, 2019

A Facebook/Instagram filter for Ponds' Every Shade Can Wow campaign

This filter had a winding journey, originally starting off as a full music sequencer built in Spark AR (with drums, bass, synth and vocals) that users could express their creative side with. Then it morphed into a simplified sampler-pad experience (triggering quantised samples directly), and finally the version shown today, which only keeps the audio visualiser elements of the original.

As part of the development I edited down all the audio stems, repackaged them into new tracks, and found ways to wedge them into the tight 5MB limit on spark filters. Ultimately the (very understandable) decision was made that its best to keep filters light and approachable, vs a more creative but complex campaign, and the filter was simplified into a visualiser with facial movement detection.

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